Behavior Compliant CQC and Tactics
Behavior Compliant Close Quarters Combat or BC/CQC is a combat system designed for physically clearing and fighting within structures that is congruent with the human behavior of both Operators and Combatants. It combines strategy, skills, techniques and tactics with the psychological and physiological responses that are common in high-threat and high-risk environments.
BC/CQC was developed and refined by DEA Supervisory Special Agent (Ret.) Vann Winn to increase safety and survivability of Law Enforcement and Military during CQC Operations. For this reason, Reticent Warrior Tactics strives to teach the most up-to-date, proven CQC and Firearms principles based on current research and best practices. The system is not just based on extensive experience and training, but on in-depth, Empirically Validated Scientific research with input from Operators in the law enforcement and military communities. We utilize limited penetrations, angles of attack, body positioning and constant forward pressure to overcome suspects. This system prevents over-exposure and is simple to learn and employ. It is also very adaptable and Operators can go dynamic based on need.
This mixed system blends CQC and Firearms (Principles, Tactics and Strategies); Psychology (how our brains process stress in High Threat Environments); Physiology (how our bodies respond to that stress); Martial Arts (Economy of Motion Movements and Philosophy) and Empirically Validated Scientific Research together seamlessly. While this certainly sets us apart from others, our goal is to share this training by providing it to as many Law Enforcement, Military and Select Citizens as possible through our current course offerings.
The Problem BC/CQC addresses:
Many tactics and techniques which have been taught for years (and are still being taught) have never been Scientifically studied or Empirically Validated. Instructors simply teach what they were taught and accept it as valid. Tactics such as “running into a room” simply go against normal human behavior or fail to take into account how our brains and bodies actually function during high-stress encounters. This overwhelms Operators and leads to getting them or the Team stuck, dramatically slowing or preventing forward progress. Reticent Warrior Tactics is using BC/CQC to bring CQC into a new era.
What Operators learn:
BC/CQC teaches Operators much more than just tactics. It teaches them the most up-to-date, Empirically Validated principles and concepts available. This helps them to better anticipate the human response that is often left out of tactical problem solving thereby making BC/CQC safer. The principles, skills and tactics taught during BC/CQC training help to build confidence and create a tactical advantage.
A Clear Path for Critical Decisions:
Making good decisions under pressure is a critical skill for all Operators and especially LEO’s. BC/CQC is based on Foundational Principles that provide a clear path to addressing and solving threats in a logical progression. This makes tactical problem solving easier, faster and ultimately safer.